Monsters Items
Name Description Weight Attack Defence Armor Dropped by
Gold Coin-2148
Gold Coin
100 Gold Coins are worth 1 Platinum Coin 0.1 0 0 0
Amazon (1-21) Ancient Scarab (1-90) Ancient Scarab (1-8) Bandit (1-15) Banshee (1-40) Behemoth (1-70) Behemoth (1-40) Beholder (1-52) Beholder (1-12) Black Knight (1-10) Black Knight (1-100) Black Knight (1-15) Blue Djinn (1-20) Bone Beast (1-20) Bone Beast (1-10) Bug (1-4) Carniphila (1-10) Cave Rat (1-9) Centipede (1-24) Crab (1-15) Crocodile (1-10) Crypt Shambler (1-15) Cyclops (1-24) Cyclops (1-16) Dark Monk (1-20) Demon (1-100) Demon (1-25) Demon (1-100) Demon Skeleton (1-40) Dragon (1-100) Dragon (1-25) Dragon Lord (1-100) Dragon Lord (1-100) Dwarf (1-15) Dwarf Geomancer (1-20) Dwarf Guard (1-50) Dwarf Guard (1-15) Dwarf Soldier (1-15) Dworc Fleshhunter (1-13) Dworc Venomsniper (1-10) Dworc Voodoomaster (1-10) Efreet (1-60) Efreet (1-15) Elder Beholder (1-45) Elder Beholder (1-20) Elephant (1-21) Elf (1-15) Elf Arcanist (1-20) Elf Scout (1-10) Elf Scout (1-5) Fire Devil (1-20) Frost Troll (1-15) Gargoyle (1-20) Gargoyle (1-5) Gazer (1-17) Ghost (1-15) Ghoul (1-30) Giant Spider (1-50) Giant Spider (1-50) Goblin (1-10) Green Djinn (1-20) Green Djinn (1-20) Hero (1-100) Hunter (1-20) Hydra (1-250) Kongra (1-20) Larva (1-10) Lich (1-100) Lich (1-12) Lizard Sentinel (1-25) Lizard Snakecharmer (1-60) Lizard Templar (1-20) Marid (1-50) Marid (1-14) Merlkin (1-12) Minotaur (1-28) Minotaur (1-5) Minotaur Archer (1-28) Minotaur Guard (1-20) Minotaur Mage (1-20) Monk (1-20) Mummy (1-80) Necromancer (1-40) Orc (1-10) Orc Berserker (1-15) Orc Leader (1-30) Orc Leader Orc Rider (1-20) Orc Rider Orc Shaman (1-20) Orc Spearman (1-10) Orc Warlord (1-20) Orc Warrior (1-16) Poison Spider (1-10) Priestess (1-10) Rat (1-8) Rotworm (1-40) Scarab (1-50) Sibang (1-10) Sibang (1-15) Skeleton (1-10) Smuggler (1-35) Spider (1-5) Spit Nettle (1-5) Stalker (1-20) Stone Golem (1-20) Swamp Troll (1-12) Tarantula (1-20) Terror Bird (1-10) Troll (1-11) Valkyrie (1-20) Vampire (1-9) Vampire (1-4) Warlock (1-100) Warlock (1-50) Wild Warrior (1-30) Witch (1-20) Morgaroth (1-100) Morgaroth (1-25) Demodras (1-100) Demodras (1-100) Orshabaal (1-100) Orshabaal (1-100) Orshabaal (1-100) The Old Widow (1-50) The Old Widow (1-50) Murius (1-20) Grorlam (1-20) Osiris (1-100) Osiris (1-50) Dharalion (1-20) Hybrid (1-100) Hybrid (1-100) Archdemon Kalius (1-100) Archdemon Kalius (1-25) Archdemon Kalius (1-100) Surphyre (1-100) Surphyre (1-25) Uglo (1-70) Uglo (1-40) Athesh (1-100) Athesh (1-50) Morguthis (1-100) Morguthis (1-100) Morguthis (1-70) Morguthis (1-100) Morguthis Thalas (1-100) Thalas (1-100) Thalas (1-70) Thalas (1-100) Thalas Ashmunrah (1-100) Ashmunrah (1-100) Ashmunrah (1-70) Ashmunrah (1-100) Ashmunrah Mahrdis (1-100) Mahrdis (1-100) Mahrdis (1-70) Mahrdis (1-100) Mahrdis Vashresamun (1-100) Vashresamun (1-100) Vashresamun (1-70) Vashresamun (1-100) Vashresamun Beheloniano Brutal (1-70) Beheloniano Brutal (1-40) Necropharus (1-40) Adonis Yetiroth (1-100) Adonis Yetiroth (1-25) Adonis Yetiroth (1-100) Calypso Troll (1-100) Calypso Troll (1-50) War Troll (1-100) War Troll (1-50) King Yetiroth (1-100) King Yetiroth (1-100) King Yetiroth (1-100) Raptor Troll (1-100) Raptor Troll (1-50) Krampus (1-100) Krampus (1-100) Krampus (1-100) Succubus (1-100) Succubus (1-50) Ashtar (1-100) Ashtar (1-50) Oxidian (1-100) Oxidian (1-250) Scylla (1-100) Scylla (1-250) Winged Dragon Of Ra (1-100) Winged Dragon Of Ra (1-50) Ancalagon the Black (1-100) Ancalagon the Black (1-50) Rape Ape (1-100) Rape Ape (1-50) Jynkky Hanuri Joel (1-100) Jynkky Hanuri Joel (1-50) Kraktor (1-100) Kraktor (1-50) Pimp Daddy 3000 (1-100) Pimp Daddy 3000 (1-50) Gustaf The Fat Lady (1-100) Gustaf The Fat Lady (1-50) Mongol (1-100) Mongol (1-50) Scalpthor (1-100) Scalpthor (1-50) Vertex (1-100) Vertex (1-50) Plutonex (1-100) Plutonex (1-50) Bermudan Draconis (1-50) Delphian Draconis (1-50) Elemental Draconis (1-50) Blessed Wizard (1-100) Mutant Orc (1-50) Gremlin (1-80) Ent (1-50) Giant (1-50) Humongous Beetle (1-50) Walking Tree (1-50) Gryphon (1-50) Chinese Panda (1-100) Chinese Panda (1-25) Chinese Panda (1-100) Cyclip (1-70) Cyclip (1-40) Donkey Rider (1-100) Donkey Rider (1-25) Donkey Rider (1-100) King Robert Baratheon (1-100) King Robert Baratheon (1-100) Evil Limp (1-100) Evil Limp (1-25) Evil Limp (1-100) Lernaean Hydra (1-250) Hurricanius (1-100) Hurricanius (1-50) Red Ripper (1-50) Cyclip God (1-70) Cyclip God (1-40) Evil Reindeer (1-100) Evil Reindeer (1-50) Grinchy Dragon (1-100) Grinchy Dragon (1-50) Visualis Ghost (1-100) Visualis Ghost (1-50) Vega Draconis (1-50) The Blair Witch (1-100) The Blair Witch (1-50) Dracula (1-100) Dracula (1-50) King Aethelbald (1-100) King Aethelbald (1-100) Very Evil Limp (1-100) Very Evil Limp (1-25) Very Evil Limp (1-100) Donkey Rider Lord (1-100) Donkey Rider Lord (1-25) Donkey Rider Lord (1-100) Running Tree (1-50) Giganticus Beetle (1-50) Damned Wizard (1-100) Morgaroth X (1-100) Morgaroth X (1-25) Zombie (1-15) War Elephant (1-21) Hunter X (1-20)
8 0 0 0
Amazon Ancient Scarab Banshee Behemoth Beholder Black Knight Bone Beast Crypt Shambler Cyclops Dark Monk Demon Demon Skeleton Dragon Dragon Lord Dwarf Dwarf Geomancer Dwarf Guard Dwarf Soldier Efreet Elder Beholder Elf Elf Arcanist Elf Scout Fire Devil Frost Troll Gargoyle Ghost Ghoul Giant Spider Goblin Green Djinn Hero Hunter Hydra Lich Marid Minotaur Minotaur Archer Minotaur Guard Minotaur Mage Monk Mummy Necromancer Orc Orc Berserker Orc Leader Orc Rider Orc Shaman Orc Spearman Orc Warlord Orc Warrior Priestess Rotworm Scarab Skeleton Smuggler Stalker Stone Golem Swamp Troll Troll Valkyrie Vampire Warlock Wild Warrior Witch Morgaroth Demodras Orshabaal The Old Widow Murius Grorlam Dharalion Hybrid Archdemon Kalius Surphyre Uglo Athesh Morguthis Thalas Ashmunrah Mahrdis Vashresamun Beheloniano Brutal Necropharus Adonis Yetiroth Calypso Troll War Troll King Yetiroth Raptor Troll Krampus Succubus Ashtar Oxidian Scylla Winged Dragon Of Ra Ancalagon the Black Rape Ape Jynkky Hanuri Joel Kraktor Pimp Daddy 3000 Gustaf The Fat Lady Mongol Scalpthor Vertex Plutonex Bermudan Draconis Delphian Draconis Elemental Draconis Blessed Wizard Ent Giant Hamster Humongous Beetle Angel of Death Fox Gryphon Chinese Panda Cyclip Donkey Rider King Robert Baratheon Evil Limp Antoine Griezmann Cristiano Ronaldo Gianluigi Buffon Referee Robert Lewandowski Zlatan Ibrahimovic Andromeda Draconis Hypergiant Lernaean Hydra Helarctos Arctos Hurricanius Mungrorath Helarctos Malayanus Cyclip God Hydrocon Craak Yetiroth Vega Draconis The Blair Witch Barracuda Man Beheloniano Ultimato King Aethelbald Very Evil Limp Donkey Rider Lord Ancient Shaman Angel of Demise Giganticus Beetle Damned Wizard Craaktron Yetiroth Beheloniano Megalotion Morgaroth X Barracuda Man X Zombie Hunter X
golden legs-2470
golden legs
54 0 0 9
stone skin amulet-2197
stone skin amulet
7.6 0 0 0
magic plate armor-2472
magic plate armor
An enchanted gem glows on the plate armor. 85 0 0 17
demon legs-2495
demon legs
54 0 0 9
Mastermind Shield-2514
Mastermind Shield
This shield is fully enchanted. 57 0 37 0
Oceanic Lizard Head-5403
Oceanic Lizard Head
In Atlantis lived a great Lizard God who wore this gear. Wearing the Full Set gives 21/21 HPandMANA Regeneration per second. 120 0 0 18
Oceanic Lizard Body-5404
Oceanic Lizard Body
In Atlantis lived a great Lizard God who wore this gear. Wearing the Full Set gives 21/21 HPandMANA Regeneration per second. 150 0 0 26
Oceanic Lizard Legs-5405
Oceanic Lizard Legs
In Atlantis lived a great Lizard God who wore this gear. Wearing the Full Set gives 21/21 HPandMANA Regeneration per second. 200 0 0 16
Oceanic Lizard Boots-5406
Oceanic Lizard Boots
In Atlantis lived a great Lizard God who wore this gear. Wearing the Full Set gives 21/21 HPandMANA Regeneration per second. 80 0 0 12
Nandaka - Sword of Ultimatum-5093
Nandaka - Sword of Ultimatum
Nandaka is the sword of the Hindu god Vishnu. (Adds +25 Extra Sword Skills). 100 76 56 0
Parashu - Axe of Death-5131
Parashu - Axe of Death
The parashu is the weapon of the god Shiva who gave it to Parashurama. (Adds +25 Extra Axe Skills). 436 76 56 0
Kaladanda - Club of Destruction-5132
Kaladanda - Club of Destruction
A special and lethal club used by the God Yama or God of Naraka. (Adds +25 Extra Club Skills). 431 76 56 0
Sharanga - The Bow of Angel Wings-5134
Sharanga - The Bow of Angel Wings
The bow of the Hindu God Vishnu. (Adds +25 Extra Distance Skills). 420 76 0 0
Staff of Moses-5379
Staff of Moses
This wand transformed into a snake and back, and was used at the parting of the Red Sea. (Adds +25 Extra Magiclevels). 808 0 0 0
EXP Boost 3-2282
EXP Boost 3
Click this rune on yourself to activate a 75% EXP Boost for 2 days 0.1 0 0 0
EXP Boost 4-2283
EXP Boost 4
Click this rune on yourself to activate a 75% EXP Boost for 8 days 0.1 0 0 0
Cyclip's Balls-5400
Cyclip's Balls
Two balls and a stick, what could be better than that? (11/11 HP/MANA Regen/Second, worn in Ammo Slot) 365 0 0 0
Crystal Coin-2160
Crystal Coin
100 Crystal Coins are worth 1 Gold Nugget 0.27 0 0 0
Xarptor (1-20) Holy Knight (1-5) Hamster (1-30) Angel of Death (1-5) Dark Wizard (1-5) Fox (1-10) Chinese Panda (1-5) Evil Limp (1-10) Evil Limp (1-10) Evil Limp (1-10) Evil Limp (1-10) Antoine Griezmann (1-2) Cristiano Ronaldo (1-3) Gianluigi Buffon (1-2) Referee (1-5) Robert Lewandowski Zlatan Ibrahimovic (1-3) Andromeda Draconis (1-5) Xapter (1-20) Wizard of Visualis (1-5) Canopus Doradus (1-40) Hypergiant (1-5) Helarctos (1-5) Arctos (1-5) Dark Overlord (1-5) Dark Overlord (1-5) Mungrorath (1-5) Red Ripper (1-5) Xarptorius (1-20) Alpha Doradus (1-40) Helarctos Malayanus (1-5) Arm of Doom (1-10) Hydrocon (1-5) Craak Yetiroth (1-5) Wizard of Gamma (1-5) Shielded Warrior (1-4) Shielded Warrior (1-4) Sky Rider Knight (1-40) The Sky Rider (1-40) Surphyrion Maximus (1-40) Very Evil Limp (1-10) Very Evil Limp (1-10) Very Evil Limp (1-10) Very Evil Limp (1-10) Zeta Doradus (1-40) Aztec Draconis (1-2) Olmec Draconis (1-2) Mayan Draconis (1-2) Noble Warrior (1-40) Chief Noble Warrior (1-80) Incan Draconis (1-2) Persian Draconis (1-2) Ubergiant (1-50) Ancient Lion (1-2) Ancient Tiger (1-2) Ancient Shaman (1-5) Lily the Samoyed (1-40) Ophiuchus (1-2) Elder Ophiuchus (1-2) Angel of Demise (1-5) Sacred Knight (1-5) Craaktron Yetiroth (1-5) Xarptor X (1-20) Methuselah Ophiuchus (1-2) Dungeon Olmec (1-2) Dungeon Noble (1-40) Intergalactic Hitchhiker (1-50) Pulsatron Ophiuchus (1-2) Wizard of Prismatica (1-5)
great shield-2522
great shield
84 0 38 0
Black Obsidian Tool-5381
Black Obsidian Tool
This tool will live in symbiosis with its controller. (4/4 HP/MANA Regen/Second, worn in Ammo Slot) 255 0 0 0
Ring of the Bonesmen-5266
Ring of the Bonesmen
May the secret society of Skull and Bones live on forever and ever. (Adds 9/9 HP/MANA per second to regen) 66 0 0 11
Rotating Black Potatoe Ring-5270
Rotating Black Potatoe Ring
Potato Potatoe? (Adds 6/6 HP/MANA per second to regen) 109 0 0 9
The Roc Head-5383
The Roc Head
Head of a baby Roc, from the tropical Madagascar. Feather light, eagle quick. (17/17 HP/MANA per Second, Ammo Slot) 15 0 0 0
skull staff-2436
skull staff
the staff longs for death. 17 36 12 0
blue robe-2656
blue robe
Its a magic robe. 22 0 0 11
Mariana's Helmet - Hypoxic Head-5213
Mariana's Helmet - Hypoxic Head
This helmet was recovered from the Mariana Trench. (Full set adds 26/26 MANAandHP regen per second) 200 0 0 20
Mariana's Armor - Deep-Sea Gigantus-5214
Mariana's Armor - Deep-Sea Gigantus
This armor was recovered from the Mariana Trench. (Full set adds 26/26 MANAandHP regen per second) 500 0 0 29
Mariana's Legs - Bioluminescence Luciferin-5215
Mariana's Legs - Bioluminescence Luciferin
This set of legs was recovered from the Mariana Trench. (Full set adds 26/26 MANAandHP regen per second) 600 0 0 18
Mariana's Boots - Chemosynthesis Hydrothermicus-5216
Mariana's Boots - Chemosynthesis Hydrothermicus
These boots were recovered from the Mariana Trench. (Full set adds 26/26 MANAandHP regen per second) 200 0 0 13
giant sword-2393
giant sword
180 46 22 0
golden armor-2466
golden armor
It's an enchanted armor. 80 0 0 14
Rune of Homestead-2288
Rune of Homestead
Click this rune 5 times and it takes you back to safety. 0.1 0 0 0
The Rune of Almighty Abilities-2299
The Rune of Almighty Abilities
It ropes, it cuts like a machete, digs like a shovel, picks holes, destroys furniture, it does everything, its pure magic! 69 0 0 0
demon shield-2520
demon shield
26 0 35 0
Craaktron's Helmet of Destruction-5261
Craaktron's Helmet of Destruction
Only those who went through the most epic of adventures can take joy out of having this set. (Full Set Regen 30/30 HPandMANA) 100 0 0 23
Craaktron's Titanium Coat-5262
Craaktron's Titanium Coat
Only those who went through the most epic of adventures can take joy out of having this set. (Full Set Regen 30/30 HPandMANA) 100 0 0 30
Craaktron's Titanium Legs-5263
Craaktron's Titanium Legs
Only those who went through the most epic of adventures can take joy out of having this set. (Full Set Regen 30/30 HPandMANA) 100 0 0 16
Craaktron's Titanium Walkers-5264
Craaktron's Titanium Walkers
Only those who went through the most epic of adventures can take joy out of having this set. (Full Set Regen 30/30 HPandMANA) 100 0 0 13
13 0 0 0
Joy Ring-5273
Joy Ring
Are you happy now? (Adds 11/11 HP/MANA per second to regen) 10 0 0 13
Helmet of the Sky Rider - Hornium Titanium Head-5412
Helmet of the Sky Rider - Hornium Titanium Head
Whoever wears this item can go through the heavenly clouds. (Full Set gives 32/32 HPandMANA Regeneration per second) 122 0 0 22
Armor of the Sky Rider - Maximus Potentus Armorus-5413
Armor of the Sky Rider - Maximus Potentus Armorus
Whoever wears this item can go through the heavenly clouds. (Full Set gives 32/32 HPandMANA Regeneration per second) 155 0 0 32
Legs of the Sky Rider - Speedicus Instantus-5414
Legs of the Sky Rider - Speedicus Instantus
Whoever wears this item can go through the heavenly clouds. (Full Set gives 32/32 HPandMANA Regeneration per second) 196 0 0 15
Shoes of the Sky Rider - Protectus Maximus-5415
Shoes of the Sky Rider - Protectus Maximus
Whoever wears this item can go through the heavenly clouds. (Full Set gives 32/32 HPandMANA Regeneration per second) 210 0 0 16
fire axe-2432
fire axe
the blade is a magic flame. 40 38 16 0
Piece of meat, for the real men. 20 0 0 0
Warlord Sword-2408
Warlord Sword
Strong powers flow in this magic sword. 0 50 38 0
dragon scale legs-2469
dragon scale legs
48 0 0 10
Golden Raptor's Amulet-2130
Golden Raptor's Amulet
This amulet gives you the ultimate blessing of life. (Adds +1 HPandMANA Regen per second) 8.3 0 0 0
Baphomet's Medallion-2138
Baphomet's Medallion
Created by a sabbatic goat named Baphomet with his occultic knowledge by using dark spells. (Adds +1 HPandMANA Regen per second) 666 0 0 0
dragon scale helmet-2506
dragon scale helmet
45 0 0 11
Red Ruby Ring of the Gods-5272
Red Ruby Ring of the Gods
Size doesnt matter. (Adds 15/15 HP/MANA per second to regen) 194 0 0 14
Baphomet's Emerald Red Ruby Wristband-2139
Baphomet's Emerald Red Ruby Wristband
What once was a Red Ruby Ring of the Gods, is now something more dangerous, powerful and evil. (24/24 HP/MANA per Second) 666 0 0 16
Goldilocks Orbital Ring-2179
Goldilocks Orbital Ring
Habitable or not, there is certainly some life packed in this ring. (120/120 HPandMANA Regen, 42% Protection from all damages) 1 0 0 0
ring of the skies-2123
ring of the skies
0.9 0 0 0
White Dwarf Ring-2213
White Dwarf Ring
Or is it a degenerate dwarf? Not everyone can handle the neutron energy. (70/70 HPandMANA Regen, 36% Protection from all damages 1.1 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
Berserker Ring-2168
Berserker Ring
Fermi's Paradox or the Berserker Hypothesis? You are the ruler, the destroyer, the Berserker. +40% boost to all Attack Spells. 420 0 0 0
Soft Boots-2640
Soft Boots
8 0 0 0
salamander shield-3975
salamander shield
72 0 26 0
The Space Stick - Alpha Supernova Magicus-5387
The Space Stick - Alpha Supernova Magicus
This stick was crafted with the force of an Alpha Supernova inside the Mysterious SpaceShip. (25/25 HPandMANA Regen per second) 1755 0 0 0
Ring of Nebula-2166
Ring of Nebula
Feel the powers of an interstellar silhouette of dust and gas. 50/50 HPandMANA Regen, 33% Protection from damage, constant crit. 0.8 0 0 0
boots of haste-2195
boots of haste
7.5 0 0 0
8 0 0 0
double axe-2387
double axe
70 35 12 0
golden helmet-2471
golden helmet
32 0 0 12
Cyclip's Ball Slicer-5401
Cyclip's Ball Slicer
This mysterious tool was used to do the deed. Ohh Cyclip. All in one, one in all. Forever. (36/36 HPandMANA Regen per second) 420 0 0 0
two-handed sword-2377
two-handed sword
This weapon is a sword. 40 30 25 0
Great Axe-2415
Great Axe
This axe was used by the great ones. 90 52 40 0
Dark Star Armor-5242
Dark Star Armor
This item has been made from the trichromes of the Dark Star. 100 0 0 14
Platinum Coin-2152
Platinum Coin
100 Platinum Coins are worth 1 Crystal Coin 0.25 0 0 0
poison dagger-2411
poison dagger
8.8 18 8 0
Red Scorcher Hat - Vision of the Phoenix-5249
Red Scorcher Hat - Vision of the Phoenix
Hail the Red Scorching Wizard. Wearing the full set gives 39/39 HPandMANA Regeneration per second. 120 0 0 24
Red Scorcher Cape - Infernalist's Cape of Burning-5250
Red Scorcher Cape - Infernalist's Cape of Burning
Hail the Red Scorching Wizard. Wearing the full set gives 39/39 HPandMANA Regeneration per second. 800 0 0 35
Red Scorcher Legs - Britches of the Fire Lord-5251
Red Scorcher Legs - Britches of the Fire Lord
Hail the Red Scorching Wizard. Wearing the full set gives 39/39 HPandMANA Regeneration per second. 690 0 0 17
Red Scorcher Boots - Walkers of the Scorched Earth-5252
Red Scorcher Boots - Walkers of the Scorched Earth
Hail the Red Scorching Wizard. Wearing the full set gives 39/39 HPandMANA Regeneration per second. 390 0 0 18
magician hat-2662
magician hat
7.5 0 0 1
platinum amulet-2171
platinum amulet
6 0 0 2
Approximately a thousand people on Outcast die everyday from Coconuts falling on their heads while they walk past a Palm Tree. 4.8 0 0 0
Magic Longsword-2390
Magic Longsword
Magical powers will protect the holder of this sword. 43 50 40 0
golden sickle-2418
golden sickle
19.5 13 6 0
Dragon Ham-2672
Dragon Ham
Its nasty, but packs a punch. Straight from a Dragon. 30 0 0 0
Gold Nugget-2157
Gold Nugget
100 Crystal Coins are worth 1 Gold Nugget 0.98 0 0 0
Hoodoo Hat - Infinitum Magicum Head-5237
Hoodoo Hat - Infinitum Magicum Head
Obtained from a Dark West African Priestess. Full Set adds 46/46 HPandMANA regen, 2% Protection from all types of damages. 40 0 0 29
Hoodoo Suit - Magicon Mysticon Armor-5238
Hoodoo Suit - Magicon Mysticon Armor
Obtained from a Dark West African Priestess. Full Set adds 46/46 HPandMANA regen, 2% Protection from all types of damages. 666 0 0 39
Hoodoo Pants - Visionary Voodoo Legs-5239
Hoodoo Pants - Visionary Voodoo Legs
Obtained from a Dark West African Priestess. Full Set adds 46/46 HPandMANA regen, 2% Protection from all types of damages. 363 0 0 20
Hoodoo Shoes - Water Walking Hoodo Boots-5240
Hoodoo Shoes - Water Walking Hoodo Boots
Obtained from a Dark West African Priestess. Full Set adds 46/46 HPandMANA regen, 2% Protection from all types of damages. 157 0 0 20
Black Helmet-5107
Black Helmet
This helmet is usually worn by the bandits who slay and rob everyone they see. 100 0 0 12
Zenith's Bag-5202
Zenith's Bag
The bag might seem soft and tiny but what you can fit inside is entirely up to your own creativity. (ARM: 2) 23 0 0 0
Draconis Egg-2328
Draconis Egg
A very precious and nutrient dense egg. Handle them carefully, Draconis Eggs are extremely fragile. 0.3 0 0 0
Aurum Vertex Ring-5750
Aurum Vertex Ring
Epsilon, Gravitron, Berserker All in one. 110/110 HP/MANA Regen, also Leech Ability and DMG/Leech Protection. 55 0 0 0
Psychean Neptune Helmet-5108
Psychean Neptune Helmet
The Golden Treasure Piece. It was recovered from the depths of 16 Psyche, a massive metallic asteroid. 1600 0 0 79
Pulsating Neptune Armor - Piece of Pegasus-5218
Pulsating Neptune Armor - Piece of Pegasus
Recovered from the depths of a distant star UY Scuti. +100/90 Regeneration, 13-20% Damage Protection, +30% Weapon Attack Speed 768 0 0 50
Pulsating Neptune Legs - Piece of Tucana-5219
Pulsating Neptune Legs - Piece of Tucana
Recovered from the depths of a distant star UY Scuti. +100/90 Regeneration, 13-20% Damage Protection, +30% Weapon Attack Speed 344 0 0 40
Pulsating Neptune Boots - Piece of Centaurus-5220
Pulsating Neptune Boots - Piece of Centaurus
Recovered from the depths of a distant star UY Scuti. +100/90 Regeneration, 13-20% Damage Protection, +30% Weapon Attack Speed 545 0 0 38
Neptune Helmet - Le Verrier's Piece-5221
Neptune Helmet - Le Verrier's Piece
The one Ice Giant, predicted and proven to be real. 50/45 HP/MANA per Second, 4% Protection from all types of damages. 250 0 0 45
Neptune Armor - Poseidon's Piece-5222
Neptune Armor - Poseidon's Piece
The one Ice Giant, predicted and proven to be real. 50/45 HP/MANA per Second, 4% Protection from all types of damages. 1500 0 0 42
Neptune Legs - Rahab's Piece-5223
Neptune Legs - Rahab's Piece
The one Ice Giant, predicted and proven to be real. 50/45 HP/MANA per Second, 4% Protection from all types of damages. 1300 0 0 30
Neptune Boots - Tangaroa's Piece-5224
Neptune Boots - Tangaroa's Piece
The one Ice Giant, predicted and proven to be real. 50/45 HP/MANA per Second, 4% Protection from all types of damages. 400 0 0 35
Steel Spear-5198
Steel Spear
(Attack: 50). 20 50 0 0
5 0 0 0
Satyr Helmet-5106
Satyr Helmet
This helmet is one of the strongest ever created by the Centauric blacksmiths of Outcast. 100 0 0 12
Phoenix Statue-5282
Phoenix Statue
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Black Hood-5288
Black Hood
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Black Wool-5289
Black Wool
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Adventurers Stone-5274
Adventurers Stone
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Injection Tube-5306
Injection Tube
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
blue backpack-2002
blue backpack
18 0 0 0
amulet of loss-2173
amulet of loss
4.2 0 0 0
Thunder Hammer-2421
Thunder Hammer
The power of thunder will help the holder of this hammer. 125 49 35 0
crown legs-2488
crown legs
65 0 0 8
Baphomet's Shield-2521
Baphomet's Shield
3% New Era Damage Protection, 30% Mana Drain Protection 52 0 65 0
Plasmoid Nibiru Mist-5564
Plasmoid Nibiru Mist
When the gold coated planet Nibiru is protected, only then you might find the Draconises breathing Plasmoid Mist 0 0 0 0
Aurum Ring-5749
Aurum Ring
Gravitron and Berserker together. 110/110 HP/MANA Regen, Leech Ability and Leech Protection, Damage Boost, Crit Boost. 45 0 0 0
burst arrow-2546
burst arrow
0.9 0 0 0
golden boots-2646
golden boots
32 0 0 4
leather trousers-2649
leather trousers
18 0 0 1
Diabolic Axe-5100
Diabolic Axe
This demonic and diabolic axe can cut through a thick tree with one hit. 100 51 35 0
Aurum Vertex Scepter-5534
Aurum Vertex Scepter
+65/55 HP/MANA Regen, +10% Damage and Healing Boost, +5% New Era Damage Protection, 5% Mana Drain Protection, +15% Attack Speed 1991 0 0 0
Achernar's Psychean Shield-5592
Achernar's Psychean Shield
7% New Era Damage Protection, 8% Mana Drain Protection, 8/8 HP/Mana Regeneration Per Second 765 0 70 0
Flamey Backpack-5637
Flamey Backpack
He who stares into the fire gets the flame. 6/5 HP/Mana Regen Per Second, 3% Protection from Damage. (Armor: 18) 420 0 0 0
You can look inside it, its nothing but darkness. Try blowing into it, but dont wake up the Minotaurs. 1 0 0 0
white pearl-2143
white pearl
0.2 0 0 0
knight armor-2476
knight armor
120 0 0 12
crown armor-2487
crown armor
99 0 0 13
dragon scale mail-2492
dragon scale mail
114 0 0 15
royal helmet-2498
royal helmet
An excellent masterpiece of a smith. 48 0 0 9
An apple a day keeps anyone away, if you just throw it hard enough. 1.5 0 0 0
Morgaroth baby-5278
Morgaroth baby
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Trapped Lightning-5284
Trapped Lightning
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Morgaroths Horn-5321
Morgaroths Horn
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Morgaroths Heart-5322
Morgaroths Heart
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Aether's Wand-5382
Aether's Wand
May the power of light be with you. (This wand gives +13 Magic Levels) 140 0 0 0
Aratron's Wand-5385
Aratron's Wand
From Saturn comes the magic. (This wand gives +13 Magic Levels) 140 0 0 0
Crosshair Backpack-5634
Crosshair Backpack
Woman who's hair crosses her face shall get a bowl cut. 4/3 HP/MANA Regen per Second, 2% Protection From Damage. (Armor: 10) 420 0 0 0
black pearl-2144
black pearl
0.2 0 0 0
blue gem-2158
blue gem
1 0 0 0
Cobra Fang Dagger-2351
Cobra Fang Dagger
This ritual weapon was forged from the sharp fang of a giant cobra. 6 0 0 0
devil helmet-2462
devil helmet
50 0 0 7
plate armor-2463
plate armor
120 0 0 10
brass legs-2478
brass legs
38 0 0 5
medusa shield-2536
medusa shield
58 0 33 0
Hydra Hybrid Oxidian Scylla Gremlin Hamster Fox Lernaean Hydra Hydrocon
Cosmic Draconis Egg-5545
Cosmic Draconis Egg
Many Cosmic Draconises were slaughtered to find these rare eggs 0 0 0 0
Shiney Talons... 0.2 0 0 0
strange talisman-2161
strange talisman
2.9 0 0 0
Epsilon Ring-2207
Epsilon Ring
Obtained from a distant Orange star named Epsilon Eridani. The powers of Goldilocks, Nebula, Berserker and Pyschean combined 10.5 0 0 0
21.8 0 0 0
broken ancients helmet-2342
broken ancients helmet
The gem of the helmet is burned out and should be replaced. 27.6 0 0 8
fire sword-2392
fire sword
the blade is a magic flame. 23 35 20 0
28 16 11 0
brass armor-2465
brass armor
80 0 0 8
0.7 20 0 0
steel boots-2645
steel boots
29 0 0 3
Tasty Bun-2690
Tasty Bun
Tasty, fresh. Made from highly fermented dough. 0.8 0 0 0
Avenger Spear-5194
Avenger Spear
(Attack: 58). 28 52 0 0
Pulsating Neptune Head - Ultimus Complectitur-5217
Pulsating Neptune Head - Ultimus Complectitur
The Final Part - Pulsating Boost: +30/15 HP/MANA Regen, 5% Mana Drain and 2% Damage Protection, +5% Attack Speed, HP/Mana Leech 454 0 0 85
Who cut it off? 0 0 0 0
Brown Tongue-5568
Brown Tongue
What did you lick? 69 0 0 0
Intergalactic Draconis Egg-5582
Intergalactic Draconis Egg
A highly developed intergalactic egg, dont boil it! 0 0 0 0
mind stone-2178
mind stone
2.5 0 0 0
wand of plague-2188
wand of plague
infectious goo covers its tip 23 0 0 0
Ornamented Ankh-2354
Ornamented Ankh
An ancient Ornamented Ankh once held by a powerful Egyptian creature that lived inside the Pyramids. 2 0 0 0
31 0 0 0
chain helmet-2458
chain helmet
42 0 0 2
warrior helmet-2475
warrior helmet
68 0 0 8
scale armor-2483
scale armor
105 0 0 9
power bolt-2547
power bolt
0.8 50 0 0
6 0 0 0
Hammer Of The Maulers-5092
Hammer Of The Maulers
This club was created by the almighty Mauler in the ancient octagon. 100 46 30 0
A bowl. The ancient people were rumored to go bowling with the bowl. Lesson of the story, dont believe everything you hear. 1 0 0 0
violet gem-2153
violet gem
0.3 0 0 0
A Mysterious Orb. 8 0 0 0
Strange Symbol-2319
Strange Symbol
A strange, very strange symbol. You could say its almost a weird symbol 2 0 0 0
40 12 6 0
38 10 25 0
silver dagger-2402
silver dagger
10.2 8 7 0
broad sword-2413
broad sword
52.5 26 23 0
dragon lance-2414
dragon lance
The extraordinary sharp blade penetrates every armor. 67 47 16 0
leather helmet-2461
leather helmet
22 0 0 1
chain armor-2464
chain armor
20 0 0 6
leather armor-2467
leather armor
60 0 0 4
knight legs-2477
knight legs
70 0 0 8
tower shield-2528
tower shield
82 0 32 0
vampire shield-2534
vampire shield
36 0 34 0
leather boots-2643
leather boots
9 0 0 1
Green Tunic-2652
Green Tunic
Only for the ladies. A mini skirt and a Green Tunic fit together nicely, it will surely let you past the old Guards. 9.3 0 0 1
hatchet lizard-3962
hatchet lizard
80 28 8 0
Aurum Vertex Quantum Shield-5719
Aurum Vertex Quantum Shield
7% New Era and 7% Normal Damage Protection, 16% Mana Drain Protection, 11/11 HP/Mana Regeneration Per Second 654 0 73 0
0.5 0 0 0
8 0 0 0
30 0 0 0
Scarab Coin-2159
Scarab Coin
These mythical coins were once the main currency of the Forgotten Kingdon of Zenith. All Hail The Great King Zenith! 1 0 0 0
wand of cosmic energy-2189
wand of cosmic energy
the energy of a radiant star is trapped inside its globe. 23 0 0 0
blank rune-2260
blank rune
0.1 0 0 0
Teddy Bear of the Judgement Day-2326
Teddy Bear of the Judgement Day
Keep hugging the Teddy Bear and all your worries might disappear, there is only one moment ever and that is now. 3 0 0 0
Rabbit Present-2355
Rabbit Present
If you want to jump around like a rabbit, if you really want the rabbit teeth, wish this present for Christmas. Ho ho ho ho! 2 0 0 0
42 17 14 0
throwing star-2399
throwing star
1 25 0 0
16.5 12 9 0
The darkness flows in this weapon. 4.5 42 65 0
iron helmet-2459
iron helmet
30 0 0 5
legion helmet-2480
legion helmet
5 0 0 4
Elf Orc Orc Rider Rotworm Skeleton
noble armor-2486
noble armor
120 0 0 11
battle shield-2513
battle shield
62 0 23 0
griffin shield-2533
griffin shield
50 0 29 0
phoenix shield-2539
phoenix shield
70 0 37 0
scarab shield-2540
scarab shield
75 0 25 0
30 8 3 0
Grey Ewer-2574
Grey Ewer
This ewer was commonly used in ancient Shamanic rituals and exorcisms. 1 0 0 0
fishing rod-2580
fishing rod
8.5 0 0 0
10 0 0 0
4 0 0 0
Disgustin, slimey, squiggly but not lethal. So do not be afraid. 0.1 0 0 0
Faceless Helmet-5091
Faceless Helmet
This helmet is for the faceless and unknown heroes. 30 0 0 11
Somber Boots-5101
Somber Boots
These boots were created from the lava and metals of Somber Inferno by the ultimate blacksmith qutor. 100 0 0 5
Somber Armor-5103
Somber Armor
This armor was created from the lava and metals of Somber Inferno by the insane blacksmith qutor. 100 0 0 18
Blazing Bone-5275
Blazing Bone
0 0 0 0
Fiery Heart-5279
Fiery Heart
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Hat of Wisdom-5283
Hat of Wisdom
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Burnt Baby Dragon-5285
Burnt Baby Dragon
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Blood Crystal-5290
Blood Crystal
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Crystal of Focus-5295
Crystal of Focus
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Draken Sulphur-5299
Draken Sulphur
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Emerald Egg-5544
Emerald Egg
Draconises of various kinds can have these large eggs around their nests 0 0 0 0
Grabber Hand-5559
Grabber Hand
Dont let it grab you but if it does, call the doctor of Outcast 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0
Golden Mug-2033
Golden Mug
Whats inside it? Its called a Golden Mug for a reason. 1 0 0 0
crystal necklace-2125
crystal necklace
4.9 0 0 0
life crystal-2177
life crystal
2.5 0 0 0
90 35 14 0
25 12 10 0
20 30 0 0
31 16 12 0
clerical mace-2423
clerical mace
This weapon is a club. 58 28 15 0
heavy machete-2442
heavy machete
18.4 16 10 0
Efreet Marid Scarab Witch
studded club-2448
studded club
35 9 8 0
studded armor-2484
studded armor
71 0 0 5
Dwarf Elf Elf Scout Orc
brass shield-2511
brass shield
60 0 16 0
copper shield-2530
copper shield
12 0 19 0
bone shield-2541
bone shield
55 0 20 0
plate legs-2647
plate legs
50 0 0 7
chain trousers-2648
chain trousers
35 0 0 3
32 0 0 1
Footlong Baguette-2689
Footlong Baguette
Wine and Baguette, merci? 5 0 0 0
grave flower-2747
grave flower
0.6 0 0 0
Mystical Hourglass-5323
Mystical Hourglass
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Tool of Regenerative Growth-5533
Tool of Regenerative Growth
Regenerate, regrow, flourish, live. You will gain +66% Healing and Damage and Attack Speed Boost 404 0 0 0
Spineless Spine-5543
Spineless Spine
A spineless man lost his spine, once. 5 0 0 0
You 0 0 0 0
Aurum Vertex Celestial Backpack-5655
Aurum Vertex Celestial Backpack
Only for those who carry themselves with honor. 10/7 Mana/HP Regen Per Second, 4% Protection from Damage. (Armor: 30) 0 0 0 0
Meteorite Stone-1294
Meteorite Stone
Centuries ago a massive Meteorite hit the city of Vroengard, only these Meteorite Stones remind us of that now. 3.6 20 0 0
Green Flask-2009
Green Flask
Some illegal liquids were once drank out of this bottle. Be careful not to drink too much. 2.5 0 0 0
Biggy Small Oil Lamp-2062
Biggy Small Oil Lamp
It is big and it is small. 1 0 0 0
Halloween Pumpkin-2096
Halloween Pumpkin
Darkness pours out of this Pumpkin. 5 0 0 0
Halloween Pumpkin-2097
Halloween Pumpkin
A dim and mysterious light glows out of this Pumpkin. 5 0 0 0
wolves teeth chain-2129
wolves teeth chain
3.3 0 0 0
holy scarab-2140
holy scarab
5 0 0 0
big emerald-2155
big emerald
1.5 0 0 0
big ruby-2156
big ruby
0.3 0 0 0
magic lightwand-2162
magic lightwand
15 0 0 0
silver amulet-2170
silver amulet
5 0 0 0
Banshee Mummy Troll
battle axe-2378
battle axe
50 25 10 0
9.5 8 6 0
35 15 8 0
war hammer-2391
war hammer
85 45 10 0
40 15 13 0
short sword-2406
short sword
35 11 11 0
29 19 13 0
knight axe-2430
knight axe
59 33 21 0
bone club-2449
bone club
39 12 8 0
bone sword-2450
bone sword
1 14 10 0
40 0 0 0
steel helmet-2457
steel helmet
46 0 0 6
studded helmet-2482
studded helmet
24.5 0 0 2
dark armor-2489
dark armor
120 0 0 10
steel shield-2509
steel shield
69 0 21 0
wooden shield-2512
wooden shield
40 0 14 0
plasma shield-2542
plasma shield
50 0 36 0
35 0 0 0
Green Ewer-2577
Green Ewer
This ewer was commonly used in ancient Shamanic rituals and exorcisms 1 0 0 0
27 0 0 1
Red Tunic-2653
Red Tunic
The olden guards used to wear Red Tunics when holding the gates of Tarid from mysterious attacks. 30 0 0 2
You eat too many Shrimp, you get Iodine poisoning. 0.07 0 0 0
9.5 0 0 0
Giant Puffball Mushroom-2787
Giant Puffball Mushroom
Calvatia Gigantea. The big, white giant puffball mushroom. You cant play football with it, though. 0.4 0 0 0
Shadow Herb-2804
Shadow Herb
An herb from the shadowy misty mountains. 1 0 0 0
Valorian Legs-5095
Valorian Legs
These legs were created by the dark Valorian Society to withstand the power of Hell. 100 0 0 8
This sword will cut anything in half even cold hard rock. 100 45 40 0
British Backpack-5111
British Backpack
20 0 0 0
Crystal Lamp-5276
Crystal Lamp
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Crystal of Balance-5277
Crystal of Balance
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Giant Claw-5287
Giant Claw
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Frozen Heart-5304
Frozen Heart
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Lazermon Eye-5588
Lazermon Eye
Zoom in, Zoom out, it cannot be unseen 0 0 0 0
Aurum Vertex Ethereal Amulet-5720
Aurum Vertex Ethereal Amulet
3% New Era Damage Protection, 5% Damage Boost, 15% Mana Drain Protection, Mana/HP Leech 0 0 0 15
Aurum Vertex Arcane Ring-5722
Aurum Vertex Arcane Ring
High Mana/HP Leech, 10% Mana Drain Protection, 10/10 HP/Mana Regen, 6% DMG and Healing Boost, 6% New and 2% Old Era DMG Protection 0 0 0 22
0 0 0 0
18 0 0 0
8 0 0 0
8 0 0 0
60 0 0 0
18 0 0 0
silver brooch-2134
silver brooch
1.1 0 0 0
Melee Diamond-2145
Melee Diamond
Very tiny, used in jewelry all around the Outcast realms. 0.1 0 0 0
Amethyst Diamond-2150
Amethyst Diamond
Purple, nice, decent. Getting married? Get an Amethyst Diamond. 0.1 0 0 0
yellow gem-2154
yellow gem
0.3 0 0 0
bronze amulet-2172
bronze amulet
5 0 0 0
58 0 0 0
dragon necklace-2201
dragon necklace
6.3 0 0 0
dirty fur-2220
dirty fur
0.1 0 0 0
9.5 0 0 0
Broken Hilt-2350
Broken Hilt
What once was part of something greater is now only a memory of it. The Hilt of Excalibur. 0.1 0 0 0
35 14 12 0
morning star-2394
morning star
54 25 11 0
combat knife-2404
combat knife
8.7 8 6 0
bright sword-2407
bright sword
The blade shimmers in light blue. 29 36 30 0
throwing knife-2410
throwing knife
2.1 30 0 0
68 24 14 0
obsidian lance-2425
obsidian lance
This weapon is an axe. 40 34 10 0
orcish axe-2428
orcish axe
45 23 12 0
Golden Mace-2437
Golden Mace
The gold used in this weapon is harder than diamond and lighter than air. 4.7 50 20 0
brass helmet-2460
brass helmet
27 0 0 3
viking helmet-2473
viking helmet
39 0 0 4
soldier helmet-2481
soldier helmet
32 0 0 5
dark helmet-2490
dark helmet
46 0 0 6
plate shield-2510
plate shield
65 0 17 0
guardian shield-2515
guardian shield
55 0 30 0
ornamented shield-2524
ornamented shield
Many gems sparkle on the shield. 72 0 36 0
black shield-2529
black shield
41.5 0 18 0
0.8 35 0 0
closed trap-2578
closed trap
21 0 0 0
mystic turban-2663
mystic turban
Something is strange about this turban. 8.5 0 0 1
Cabernet Grape-2681
Cabernet Grape
The wine of Outcast has been produced from these delicious Cabernet Grapes. 2.5 0 0 0
Green Mushroom-2796
Green Mushroom
Stropharia Aeruginosa. They are green like the aliens once seen hovering over the Pyramids of Outcast. 0.1 0 0 0
A leafy green. 0.3 0 0 0
Sling Herb-2802
Sling Herb
The legend says, a man once threw this herb into another one's head. And he died, the guy who threw. Sling the herb! 0.9 0 0 0
dead snake-2817
dead snake
50 0 0 0
Ancient Voodoo Doll-3955
Ancient Voodoo Doll
Hoodoo, doodoo, voodoo, its all the same. 420 0 0 0
Ancient Elephant Tusk-3956
Ancient Elephant Tusk
Protect the almost extinct species of Outcast Elephants at all costs. Once they disappear, so will the rest of us. 15 0 0 0
This axe was made by the dwarven blacksmiths in the early days of Outcast. 100 47 41 0
Spartan Helmet-5105
Spartan Helmet
This helmet was created before of the most legendary battles in Outcast at the mythical Thermopylae island. 100 0 0 9
Mini Present Box-5140
Mini Present Box
There might be something inside but you never know until you take a look. 0 0 0 0
Battle Spear-5197
Battle Spear
(Attack: 60). 20 54 0 0
Hell Stone-5280
Hell Stone
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Draconis Claw-5298
Draconis Claw
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Blue Egg-5300
Blue Egg
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Energy Soil-5301
Energy Soil
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Giant Eye-5305
Giant Eye
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Holy Ash-5312
Holy Ash
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Hydra Head-5314
Hydra Head
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Luminous Orb-5318
Luminous Orb
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Green Spice-5331
Green Spice
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Green Heart-5337
Green Heart
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Medusa Hair-5340
Medusa Hair
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Shaman's Tiny Furnut Sack-5341
Shaman's Tiny Furnut Sack
The Shaman really loves his little Furnut, it is used in mystical ceremonies held by the Shaman himself. 1 0 0 0
Emerald Wing-5546
Emerald Wing
Only the greeny green matters. When it falls off a tree, you're dreaming 0 0 0 0
Dont get too excited, boy. 0 0 0 0
Demonic Earth Orb-5840
Demonic Earth Orb
Visualize the world in flames. And then survive it! 0 0 0 0
Death Star Orb-5844
Death Star Orb
Deep space travellers know what this is about. 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0
13 0 0 0
19 0 0 0
1.8 0 0 0
Thirsty? Take sip off of the Jug. 2 0 0 0
Smally Small Oil Lamp-2063
Smally Small Oil Lamp
It is small and also very small. 1 0 0 0
12.5 0 0 0
6.5 0 0 0
Powder Ball-2111
Powder Ball
When it rains, it pours. And thats just snow! Dont throw these too hard, it might hurt. 0.8 0 0 0
wedding ring-2121
wedding ring
0.4 0 0 0
crystal ring-2124
crystal ring
0.9 0 0 0
emerald bangle-2127
emerald bangle
1.7 0 0 0
5 0 0 0
scarab amulet-2135
scarab amulet
1.2 0 0 0
Sapphire Diamond-2146
Sapphire Diamond
Saphirus, Sapheiros. Blue and fancy. 0.1 0 0 0
snakebite rod-2182
snakebite rod
it seems to twitch and quiver as if trying to escape your grip. 43 0 0 0
wand of vortex-2190
wand of vortex
surges of energy rush through the tip of this wand. 23 0 0 0
wand of dragonbreath-2191
wand of dragonbreath
legends say that this wand holds the soul of a young dragon. 23 0 0 0
crystal ball-2192
crystal ball
34 0 0 0
Mysterious Fetish-2194
Mysterious Fetish
Is that the gingerbread man, or a mysterious fetish to you? 4.9 0 0 0
garlic necklace-2199
garlic necklace
3.8 0 0 0
Gravitron Ring-2209
Gravitron Ring
All the life pulls towards you. 435 0 0 0
big bone-2231
big bone
19 0 0 0
moldy cheese-2235
moldy cheese
0.1 0 0 0
dirty cape-2237
dirty cape
0.1 0 0 0
adori gran-2311
adori gran
This is the heavy magic missile rune. 0.1 0 0 0
11 0 0 0
helmet of the ancients-2343
helmet of the ancients
The gem is glowing with power. 27.6 0 0 11
frozen starlight-2361
frozen starlight
0 0 0 0
Lily's Carrot-2362
Lily's Carrot
Dogs are carrot crunchers too. But the hamsters, they are a bunch of thieves. 2 0 0 0
Bigfoot's Hairy Toot Toot Horn-2364
Bigfoot's Hairy Toot Toot Horn
This Hairy Horn is a very precious item, Bigfoot himself crafted it in the woods, naked, without any tools. Hail Bigfoot. 66.6 0 0 0
hand axe-2380
hand axe
18 10 5 0
25 7 7 0
50 24 21 0
15 10 8 0
4.2 7 5 0
10.5 7 4 0
serpent sword-2409
serpent sword
4.01 26 15 0
21 6 6 0
dragon hammer-2434
dragon hammer
97 32 20 0
daramanian mace-2439
daramanian mace
68 21 12 0
daramanian waraxe-2440
daramanian waraxe
52.5 39 15 0
great halberd-2443
great halberd
100 48 14 0
hammer of wrath-2444
hammer of wrath
70 48 12 0
Crystal Mace-2445
Crystal Mace
80 48 16 0
studded legs-2468
studded legs
6 0 0 2
strange helmet-2479
strange helmet
46 0 0 6
crown helmet-2491
crown helmet
29.5 0 0 7
horned helmet-2496
horned helmet
51 0 0 11
crusader helmet-2497
crusader helmet
52 0 0 8
Amazon Armor-2500
Amazon Armor
A strong armor used in the Amazonian blood battles. 22 0 0 20
dragon shield-2516
dragon shield
60 0 31 0
beholder shield-2518
beholder shield
47 0 28 0
crown shield-2519
crown shield
62 0 32 0
dwarfish shield-2525
dwarfish shield
55 0 26 0
studded shield-2526
studded shield
59 0 15 0
ancient shield-2532
ancient shield
61 0 27 0
poison arrow-2545
poison arrow
0.8 10 0 0
45 0 0 0
small axe-2559
small axe
20 0 0 0
6.6 0 0 0
White Bowl-2571
White Bowl
It is not about what is in the bowl but outside it. But whats outside it is not in the bowl. 0 0 0 0
Green Bowl-2572
Green Bowl
It is not about what is in the bowl but outside it. But whats outside it is not in the bowl. 0 0 0 0
Yellow Bowl-2573
Yellow Bowl
It is not about what is in the bowl but outside it. But whats outside it is not in the bowl. 0 0 0 0
Yellow Ewer-2575
Yellow Ewer
This ewer was commonly used in ancient Shamanic rituals and exorcisms 1 0 0 0
Blue Ewer-2576
Blue Ewer
This ewer was commonly used in ancient Shamanic rituals and exorcisms 1 0 0 0
0.3 0 0 0
Letter from Postman Pat-2598
Letter from Postman Pat
Please, deliver this letter to my Black and White Cat, yours truly, Postman Pat. 0.3 0 0 0
0.1 0 0 0
traper boots-2641
traper boots
9 0 0 3
red robe-2655
red robe
26 0 0 1
simple dress-2657
simple dress
24 0 0 1
2 0 0 1
You eat enough of them, you get blue lips and teeth. They will think youre a vampire. Yes they will! 0.2 0 0 0
Grandma's Cookie-2687
Grandma's Cookie
Grandmother knew how to cook, how to bake and always took care of us. Long Live, Granny! 0.1 0 0 0
Sourdough Bread-2691
Sourdough Bread
Perfectly cooked, at 300 degrees inside an ancient Oven. 4 0 0 0
red rose-2744
red rose
0.8 0 0 0
Goat Grass-2760
Goat Grass
Its a goat grass. But who is the goat? Its always a matter of perspective. 0.8 0 0 0
Powder Herb-2803
Powder Herb
Turns into powder when grinded. 0.5 0 0 0
Troll Green-2805
Troll Green
May the trolls turn us green, while the green trolls fight for the troll greens. 1 0 0 0
Jungle bag-3939
Jungle bag
8 0 0 0
liche staff-3961
liche staff
50 25 15 0
hunting spear-3965
hunting spear
80 18 8 0
Tribal Mask-3967
Tribal Mask
Tribes of the northern Lithgow put a strong spell on this mask and it became cursed. 25 0 0 15
charmer tiara-3971
charmer tiara
22 0 0 2
sentinel shield-3974
sentinel shield
49 0 22 0
crocodile boots-3982
crocodile boots
9 0 0 1
bast skirt-3983
bast skirt
10 0 0 0
Panax Ginseng, found from the mountains of South East Tarid a long time ago. A powerful, healthy Herb. 2 0 0 0
Orc Head-5281
Orc Head
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Bear Paw-5286
Bear Paw
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Broken Helmet-5291
Broken Helmet
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Cavebear Skull-5292
Cavebear Skull
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Colourful Feather-5293
Colourful Feather
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Frozen Tear-5294
Frozen Tear
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Demon Dust-5296
Demon Dust
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Ruthless Claw-5297
Ruthless Claw
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Purple Essence-5302
Purple Essence
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Repair Crystal-5307
Repair Crystal
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Golden Brooch-5308
Golden Brooch
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Dragon Scale-5309
Dragon Scale
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Half Eaten Brain-5310
Half Eaten Brain
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Hand Puppets-5311
Hand Puppets
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Jewelled Belt-5317
Jewelled Belt
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Magma Clump-5319
Magma Clump
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Mead Horn-5320
Mead Horn
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Norseman Doll-5324
Norseman Doll
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Petrified Scream-5325
Petrified Scream
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Royal Satin-5326
Royal Satin
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Purple Robe-5327
Purple Robe
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Rare Crystal-5328
Rare Crystal
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Raw Meat-5329
Raw Meat
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Red Dragon Scale-5330
Red Dragon Scale
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Shamanic Hood-5332
Shamanic Hood
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Sight of Surrenders Eye-5334
Sight of Surrenders Eye
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Skull Belt-5335
Skull Belt
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Skull Fetish-5336
Skull Fetish
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Spider Silk-5338
Spider Silk
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Stimulated Brain-5339
Stimulated Brain
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Thick Fur-5342
Thick Fur
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Mystical Wings-5343
Mystical Wings
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Vein of Ore-5344
Vein of Ore
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Fur Head-5346
Fur Head
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Mystical Skull-5347
Mystical Skull
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Centaur Hooves-5348
Centaur Hooves
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
White Skin-5349
White Skin
This collectible can be sold or used for tasks. 0 0 0 0
Cosmic Wing-5547
Cosmic Wing
Galaxy Winglet, Cosmos Plume. Many names, but everybody knows where they come from 0 0 0 0
Orion's Fluff Crystal-5556
Orion's Fluff Crystal
Substances can crystallize into different forms giving rise to polymorphism. You might experience unknown effects due to it 0 0 0 0
Tectonic Testiclus-5561
Tectonic Testiclus
One ball rolls down the hill faster than two. Single dont tingle, two you gots to pinch 0 0 0 0
Bullish Tongue-5573
Bullish Tongue
How bullish are you? Can you feel it on your tongue, can you taste the victory? 1 0 0 0
Lionic Tail-5574
Lionic Tail
Lionic Family's tail, some of them are four-footed and some walk on two feet. Dont let them smell you have it 2 0 0 0
Nibiru Mist-5575
Nibiru Mist
Mystical Vapor exhaled by the Nibiru Draconis. This only happens when Planet Nibiru does not have Gold in its atmosphere 0 0 0 0
Intergalactic Wing-5581
Intergalactic Wing
Quantum Feather, it can weather the high pressures of deep space 0 0 0 0
Furious Tusks-5585
Furious Tusks
These tusks still have the fury in them, store them wisely 5 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
purple pillow-1678
purple pillow
5 0 0 0
green pillow-1679
green pillow
5 0 0 0
red pillow-1680
red pillow
5 0 0 0
blue pillow-1681
blue pillow
5 0 0 0
orange pillow-1682
orange pillow
5 0 0 0
turqoise pillow-1683
turqoise pillow
5 0 0 0
white pillow-1684
white pillow
5 0 0 0
heart pillow-1685
heart pillow
7 0 0 0
blue round pillow-1686
blue round pillow
5 0 0 0
red round pillow-1687
red round pillow
5 0 0 0
green round pillow-1688
green round pillow
5 0 0 0
yellow round pillow-1689
yellow round pillow
5 0 0 0
blue round pillow-1690
blue round pillow
5 0 0 0
red round pillow-1691
red round pillow
5 0 0 0
purple round pillow-1692
purple round pillow
5 0 0 0
turqoise round pillow-1693
turqoise round pillow
5 0 0 0
50 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
120 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
treasure chest-1746
treasure chest
120 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
big box-1750
big box
0 0 0 0
big box-1751
big box
0 0 0 0
big box-1752
big box
0 0 0 0
big box-1753
big box
0 0 0 0
wall mirror-1845
wall mirror
6 0 0 0
wall mirror-1848
wall mirror
10 0 0 0
wall mirror-1851
wall mirror
7 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
purple tapestry-1857
purple tapestry
10 0 0 0
green tapestry-1860
green tapestry
10 0 0 0
yellow tapestry-1863
yellow tapestry
10 0 0 0
orange tapestry-1866
orange tapestry
10 0 0 0
red tapestry-1869
red tapestry
10 0 0 0
blue tapestry-1872
blue tapestry
10 0 0 0
cuckoo clock-1877
cuckoo clock
0 0 0 0
white tapestry-1880
white tapestry
0 0 0 0
cuckoo clock-1881
cuckoo clock
0 0 0 0
Blank Paper-1947
Blank Paper
Look at that. Can you see the writing? Pick any type of Sky Rider weapon and inform God Qut of your choice. 1 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
13 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
1.5 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
10 0 0 0
8.3 0 0 0
7.9 0 0 0
8 0 0 0
10 0 0 0
13 0 0 0
13 0 0 0
13 0 0 0
20 0 0 0
13 0 0 0
13 0 0 0
1.1 0 0 0
1.5 0 0 0
written parchment-1969
written parchment
2 0 0 0
15 0 0 0
13 0 0 0
13 0 0 0
13 0 0 0
13 0 0 0
13 0 0 0
13 0 0 0
11 0 0 0
10 0 0 0
purpel tome-1982
purpel tome
19 0 0 0
green tome-1983
green tome
19 0 0 0
blue tome-1984
blue tome
19 0 0 0
grey tome-1985
grey tome
19 0 0 0
red tome-1986
red tome
19 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0
8 0 0 0
8 0 0 0
green backpack-1998
green backpack
18 0 0 0
yellow backpack-1999
yellow backpack
18 0 0 0
red backpack-2000
red backpack
18 0 0 0
purple backpack-2001
purple backpack
18 0 0 0
grey backpack-2003
grey backpack
18 0 0 0
golden backpack-2004
golden backpack
18 0 0 0
1.8 0 0 0
blue bottle-2007
blue bottle
2.5 0 0 0
2.5 0 0 0
broken bottle-2010
broken bottle
0.1 0 0 0
blue amphora-2011
blue amphora
2 0 0 0
2.5 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
Beer Bottle-2015
Beer Bottle
Strong Tropical IPA from the secret Outcast Brewery. 2.5 0 0 0
broken bottle-2022
broken bottle
0 0 0 0
broken brown glas-2024
broken brown glas
1.01 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
1.5 0 0 0
0.5 0 0 0
5 0 0 0
5 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
30 0 0 0
30 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
5 0 0 0
5 0 0 0
5 0 0 0
5 0 0 0
5 0 0 0
5 0 0 0
5 0 0 0
Flute of the Fool-2070
Flute of the Fool
Run a fool's errand, get nothing. 2 0 0 0
34 0 0 0
Ba Dum Tss. 32 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
simple fanfare-2075
simple fanfare
22 0 0 0
23 0 0 0
royal fanfare-2077
royal fanfare
23 0 0 0
post horn-2078
post horn
15 0 0 0
purple key-2086
purple key
1 0 0 0
wooden key-2087
wooden key
1 0 0 0
silver key-2088
silver key
1 0 0 0
orange key-2089
orange key
1 0 0 0
crystal key-2090
crystal key
1 0 0 0
golden key-2091
golden key
1 0 0 0
bone key-2092
bone key
1 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
god flowers-2100
god flowers
11 0 0 0
flower bowl-2102
flower bowl
11 0 0 0
honey flower-2103
honey flower
10 0 0 0
potted flower-2104
potted flower
23 0 0 0
big flowerpot-2106
big flowerpot
100 0 0 0
exotic flower-2107
exotic flower
1 0 0 0
wooden doll-2108
wooden doll
8.6 0 0 0
teddy bear-2112
teddy bear
7 0 0 0
Ship Model-2113
Ship Model
This is a very precious miniature model of an ancient ship. Take good care of it. 3 0 0 0
Piggy Bank Dice-2114
Piggy Bank Dice
This Piggy Bank is for all the real gamblers out there. Things can get dicey if you go on a losing streak. 420 0 0 0
Broken Piggy Bank Dice-2115
Broken Piggy Bank Dice
If you play the game, you have to suffer the consequences. 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
bronzen necklace-2126
bronzen necklace
7 0 0 0
Amulet of Infinity-2131
Amulet of Infinity
This amulet is an infinite AoL, you can only lose it by dying with a red skull. 6.6 0 0 0
silver necklace-2132
silver necklace
5.5 0 0 0
Assassin's Amulet-2133
Assassin's Amulet
Only the hardest assassins may use this amulet as this was designed only for real killers. 5.7 0 0 0
plate amulet-2136
plate amulet
0 0 0 0
egipcian present-2137
egipcian present
3 0 0 0
eagle amulet-2141
eagle amulet
10 0 0 0
Achernar's Psychean Neckband-2142
Achernar's Psychean Neckband
2% Damage and 7% Poison Damage Protection, +3% Damage Boost, +5 HP/MANA Regen, +10% Attack Speed Boost 8 0 0 10
Red Ruby Diamond-2147
Red Ruby Diamond
A rare diamond, only used in the finest and most precious of Rings. 0.1 0 0 0
Emerald Diamond-2149
Emerald Diamond
Green and rare. The pressure cannot be explained. 0.1 0 0 0
magic lightwand-2163
magic lightwand
15 0 0 0
might ring-2164
might ring
1 0 0 0
stealth ring-2165
stealth ring
1 0 0 0
energy ring-2167
energy ring
0.8 0 0 0
time ring-2169
time ring
0.9 0 0 0
weird symbol-2174
weird symbol
2 0 0 0
quagmire rod-2181
quagmire rod
it emits clouds of poisonous swamp gas. 26.5 0 0 0
tempest rod-2183
tempest rod
it grants you the power of striking your foes with furious thunderstorms. 21 0 0 0
crystal wand-2184
crystal wand
28 0 0 0
volcanic rod-2185
volcanic rod
it erupts powerful bursts of magma upon everything in your path. 29 0 0 0
moonlight rod-2186
moonlight rod
shimmering rays of moonlight radiate from its tip 19.5 0 0 0
wand of Inferno-2187
wand of Inferno
it unleashes the very fires of hell. 30.5 0 0 0
4.2 0 0 0
Broken Amulet-2196
Broken Amulet
A broken and used blessing amulet that is not usable. 4.2 0 0 0
elven amulet-2198
elven amulet
2.7 0 0 0
Broken Amulet-2200
Broken Amulet
A broken and used blessing amulet that is not usable. 5.5 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
Ring of Nebula-2203
Ring of Nebula
Feel the powers of an interstellar silhouette of dust and gas. 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
Berserker Ring-2205
Berserker Ring
Which one is it, Fermi's Paradox or the Berserker Hypothesis? You are the ruler, the destroyer, the Berserker. 420 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
Resitron Ring-2208
Resitron Ring
High level protection from all the Elements of Outcast. Only physical touch will sting, slightly. 0.9 0 0 0
Epsilon Ring-2210
Epsilon Ring
Obtained from a distant Orange star named Epsilon Eridani. The powers of Goldilocks, Nebula, Berserker and Pyschean combined! 10.5 0 0 0
Resitron Ring-2211
Resitron Ring
High level protection from all the Elements of Outcast. Only physical touch will sting, slightly. 1 0 0 0
Gravitron Ring-2212
Gravitron Ring
All the life pulls towards you. 134 0 0 0
ring of healing-2214
ring of healing
0.8 0 0 0
White Dwarf Ring-2215
White Dwarf Ring
Or is it a degenerate dwarf? Regardless, watch out, not everyone can handle the neutron energy. 1 0 0 0
ring of healing-2216
ring of healing
1 0 0 0
Book of Outcast Adventures-2217
Book of Outcast Adventures
Click the book to get Adventure ideas, also click it after completing any Quest and you will be automatically rewarded. 5 0 0 0
hand monk amulet-2218
hand monk amulet
10 0 0 0
banana skin-2219
banana skin
0.3 0 0 0
old twig-2221
old twig
0.1 0 0 0
some wood-2222
some wood
0.4 0 0 0
0.1 0 0 0
0.1 0 0 0
pieces of iron-2225
pieces of iron
0.1 0 0 0
0.7 0 0 0
rotten meat-2227
rotten meat
0.1 0 0 0
broken pottery-2228
broken pottery
0.1 0 0 0
broken brown glas-2232
broken brown glas
1.01 0 0 0
broken green glas-2233
broken green glas
0.1 0 0 0
broken sword-2234
broken sword
35 0 0 0
torn book-2236
torn book
0.1 0 0 0
broken boots-2238
broken boots
0.1 0 0 0
burnt scroll-2239
burnt scroll
0.02 0 0 0
0.1 0 0 0
0.1 0 0 0
0.1 0 0 0
0.1 0 0 0
0.8 0 0 0
0.8 0 0 0
burnt down firewood-2246
burnt down firewood
4.2 0 0 0
wooden trash-2250
wooden trash
1 0 0 0
wooden trash-2251
wooden trash
1 0 0 0
wooden trash-2252
wooden trash
1 0 0 0
wooden trash-2253
wooden trash
1 0 0 0
wooden trash-2254
wooden trash
1 0 0 0
wooden trash-2255
wooden trash
1 0 0 0
metal trash-2256
metal trash
3 0 0 0
metal trash-2257
metal trash
3 0 0 0
golden trash-2258
golden trash
2 0 0 0
stone rubbish-2259
stone rubbish
2 0 0 0
adito grav-2261
adito grav
This rune destroys fields on the ground. 0.1 0 0 0
adevo mas vis-2262
adevo mas vis
This is the energy bomb rune. 0.1 0 0 0
adori vita vis-2263
adori vita vis
This is the sudden death rune. 0.1 0 0 0
0.1 0 0 0
adura gran-2265
adura gran
0.1 0 0 0
adana pox-2266
adana pox
0.1 0 0 0
0.1 0 0 0
adori vita vis-2268
adori vita vis
This is the sudden death rune. 0.1 0 0 0
0.1 0 0 0
0.1 0 0 0
adito grav-2271
adito grav
0.1 0 0 0
epic manarune-2272
epic manarune
This rune will give you mana. 0.1 0 0 0
adura vita-2273
adura vita
This is the ultimate healing rune. 0.1 0 0 0
adori mas frigo-2274
adori mas frigo
Avalanche 0.1 0 0 0
0.1 0 0 0
adura vita-2276
adura vita
This is the ultimate healing rune. 0.1 0 0 0
adevo grav vis-2277
adevo grav vis
0.1 0 0 0
adana ani-2278
adana ani
0.1 0 0 0
adevo mas grav vis-2279
adevo mas grav vis
0.1 0 0 0
EXP Boost 1-2280
EXP Boost 1
Click this rune on yourself to activate a 45% EXP Boost for 2 days 0.1 0 0 0
EXP Boost 2-2281
EXP Boost 2
Click this rune on yourself to activate a 45% EXP Boost for 8 days 0.1 0 0 0
0.1 0 0 0
adevo grav pox-2285
adevo grav pox
0.1 0 0 0
adevo mas pox-2286
adevo mas pox
0.1 0 0 0
0.1 0 0 0
adevo mas grav pox-2289
adevo mas grav pox
0.1 0 0 0
adeta sio-2290
adeta sio
0.1 0 0 0
adevo ina-2291
adevo ina
0.1 0 0 0
adevo res pox-2292
adevo res pox
0.1 0 0 0
adevo grav tera-2293
adevo grav tera
This is the magic wall rune. 0.1 0 0 0
0.1 0 0 0
0.1 0 0 0
0.1 0 0 0
0.1 0 0 0
0.1 0 0 0
Rune of Rarity. You have just gained access to something precious.-2300
Rune of Rarity. You have just gained access to something precious.
You have just looted something so rare, that you should contact God Qut and ask him about the worth of these items. Lucky you! 666 0 0 0
adevo grav flam-2301
adevo grav flam
0.1 0 0 0
adori flam-2302
adori flam
0.1 0 0 0
adevo mas grav flam-2303
adevo mas grav flam
0.1 0 0 0
adori gran flam-2304
adori gran flam
This is the great fireball rune. 0.1 0 0 0
adevo mas flam-2305
adevo mas flam
0.1 0 0 0
0.1 0 0 0
0.1 0 0 0
adevo res flam-2308
adevo res flam
0.1 0 0 0
It ropes, it cuts like a machete, digs like a shovel, picks holes, destroys furniture, it does everything, its pure magic! 69 0 0 0
adito tera-2310
adito tera
0.1 0 0 0
0.1 0 0 0
adevo mas hur-2313
adevo mas hur
This is the explosion rune. 0.1 0 0 0
0.1 0 0 0
0.1 0 0 0
adana mort-2316
adana mort
0.1 0 0 0
1.01 0 0 0
21 0 0 0
anniquilator battlehammer-2321
anniquilator battlehammer
68 0 0 0
0.2 0 0 0
magician hat-2323
magician hat
8.05 0 0 0
13 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
1.05 0 0 0
8 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0.8 0 0 0
stamped letter-2333
stamped letter
0.03 0 0 0
Piece of Helmet of the Ancients-2335
Piece of Helmet of the Ancients
Hold on tight to this piece, it holds precious value. 0.06 0 0 0
Piece of Helmet of the Ancients-2336
Piece of Helmet of the Ancients
Hold on tight to this piece, it holds precious value. 0.02 0 0 0
Piece of Helmet of the Ancients-2337
Piece of Helmet of the Ancients
Hold on tight to this piece, it holds precious value. 0.05 0 0 0
Piece of Helmet of the Ancients-2338
Piece of Helmet of the Ancients
Hold on tight to this piece, it holds precious value. 0.05 0 0 0
Piece of Helmet of the Ancients-2339
Piece of Helmet of the Ancients
Hold on tight to this piece, it holds precious value. 6 0 0 0
Piece of Helmet of the Ancients-2340
Piece of Helmet of the Ancients
Hold on tight to this piece, it holds precious value. 1 0 0 0
Piece of Helmet of the Ancients-2341
Piece of Helmet of the Ancients
Hold on tight to this piece, it holds precious value. 1 0 0 0
oil lamp-2344
oil lamp
5 0 0 0
Spy  Report-2345
Spy Report
1 0 0 0
Tear of Daraman-2346
Tear of Daraman
Daraman's Tears are like diamonds. 0.3 0 0 0
15 0 0 0
Ancient Rune of Magical Enchantment-2348
Ancient Rune of Magical Enchantment
This is powerful, magical and enchanting. Dont break it! 1 0 0 0
music piece-2349
music piece
1 0 0 0
Crystal Arrow-2352
Crystal Arrow
This arrow has been made from the crystals and metals looted from a member of the ruthless seven. 0.7 60 0 0
Burning Heart-2353
Burning Heart
It burns, it hurts. A broken heart can burn through the body if its not taken care of. 3 0 0 0
small oil lamp-2356
small oil lamp
5 0 0 0
ring of the skies-2357
ring of the skies
0.9 0 0 0
Boots of Purple Blood-2358
Boots of Purple Blood
These boots are made from the purple blood of the demonic crow. 8 0 0 10
small oil lamp-2359
small oil lamp
1 0 0 0
red apple-2363
red apple
1.5 0 0 0
18 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
ice rapier-2396
ice rapier
A deadly but fragile weapon. 15 232 1 0
Sword of Valor-2400
Sword of Valor
42 48 35 0
iron hammer-2422
iron hammer
66 18 10 0
silver mace-2424
silver mace
67 40 30 0
80 39 19 0
guardian halberd-2427
guardian halberd
110 46 15 0
barbarian axe-2429
barbarian axe
51 28 18 0
Stonecutter's Axe-2431
Stonecutter's Axe
This axe has been the main weapon of the dwarven soldiers through the centuries. 99 50 30 0
Staff of the Archmage-2433
Staff of the Archmage
This staff has been blessed with lightning power by the mighty god Zeus. 20 0 0 0
dwarfish axe-2435
dwarfish axe
82 31 19 0
small axe-2441
small axe
52.5 15 10 0
This sword has been created from the same powerful matter as the famous Excalibur sword. 150 60 45 0
Twin Axe-2447
Twin Axe
This dangerous axe is highly lethal and has two blades attached to it. 45 60 45 0
Djinn Blade-2451
Djinn Blade
The almighty Djinn soldiers used this sword in the mighty battle of Vroengard. 24.5 60 45 0
Mace Of Fury-2452
Mace Of Fury
The furious gods used their oldest blacksmith in the creation of this weapon. 1 60 45 0
Endymion's Wand-2453
Endymion's Wand
A furious monster once created this weapon in the fires of hell by using the blood of Hercules. 28 0 0 0
Slaughterer's Axe-2454
Slaughterer's Axe
A legendary family called the Slaughterers found this axe from the abysses of Aberon. 55 60 45 0
winged helmet-2474
winged helmet
22 0 0 10
25 0 0 2
demon helmet-2493
demon helmet
29.5 0 0 10
demon armor-2494
demon armor
80 0 0 16
Amazon Helmet-2499
Amazon Helmet
This helmet origins from the clan of Amazonian warriors. 29.5 0 0 15
Osiris Mask-2501
Osiris Mask
The forgotten wizard called Osiris created this mask by using the spells of the Morgaroth. 45 0 0 15
dwarven helmet-2502
dwarven helmet
42 0 0 6
dwarven armor-2503
dwarven armor
90 0 0 10
dwarven legs-2504
dwarven legs
40 0 0 6
elven armor-2505
elven armor
90 0 0 13
elven legs-2507
elven legs
48 0 0 12
spider chain mail-2508
spider chain mail
It seems poisonous. 172 0 0 16
Shield of Honour-2517
Shield of Honour
The knights of honour always use this shield. 54 0 50 0
blessed shield-2523
blessed shield
68 0 45 0
Rose Shield-2527
Rose Shield
A secret mixture of roses and different kinds of metals were used in creating this shield. 52 0 50 0
viking shield-2531
viking shield
66 0 22 0
castle shield-2535
castle shield
49 0 28 0
amazon shield-2537
amazon shield
62 0 32 0
eagle shield-2538
eagle shield
0 0 35 0
pitch fork-2548
pitch fork
25 0 0 0
15 0 0 0
11 0 0 0
28 0 0 0
wooden hammer-2556
wooden hammer
6 0 0 0
carpenter hammer-2557
carpenter hammer
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
9.5 0 0 0
baking tray-2561
baking tray
12 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
18 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
wooden spoon-2567
wooden spoon
1 0 0 0
oven spatula-2569
oven spatula
14 0 0 0
rolling pin-2570
rolling pin
5 0 0 0
open trap-2579
open trap
21 0 0 0
18 0 0 0
stamped parcel-2596
stamped parcel
18 0 0 0
black gamestone-2624
black gamestone
0.5 0 0 0
white gamestone-2625
white gamestone
0.5 0 0 0
White Pawn-2626
White Pawn
You are a pawn in this game. 0.5 0 0 0
white castle-2627
white castle
0.5 0 0 0
white knight-2628
white knight
0.5 0 0 0
white bishop-2629
white bishop
0.5 0 0 0
white queen-2630
white queen
0.5 0 0 0
white king-2631
white king
0.5 0 0 0
Black Pawn-2632
Black Pawn
You are a pawn in this game. 0.5 0 0 0
black castle-2633
black castle
0.5 0 0 0
black knight-2634
black knight
0.5 0 0 0
black bishop-2635
black bishop
0.5 0 0 0
black queen-2636
black queen
0.5 0 0 0
black king-2637
black king
0.5 0 0 0
Tic Tac Toe X-2638
Tic Tac Toe X
Tic Tac Toe, complexity and depth at its finest. 0.5 0 0 0