Monsters Items
Name Description Weight Attack Defence Armor Dropped by
Gold Coin
Gold Coin
100 Gold Coins are worth 1 Platinum Coin 0.1 0 0 0 Amazon (1-21) Ancient Scarab (1-90) Ancient Scarab (1-8) Bandit (1-15) Banshee (1-40) Behemoth (1-70) Behemoth (1-40) Beholder (1-52) Beholder (1-12) Black Knight (1-10) Black Knight (1-100) Black Knight (1-15) Blue Djinn (1-20) Bone Beast (1-20) Bone Beast (1-10) Bug (1-4) Carniphila (1-10) Cave Rat (1-9) Centipede (1-24) Crab (1-15) Crocodile (1-10) Crypt Shambler (1-15) Cyclops (1-24) Cyclops (1-16) Dark Monk (1-20) Demon (1-100) Demon (1-25) Demon (1-100) Demon Skeleton (1-40) Dragon (1-100) Dragon (1-25) Dragon Lord (1-100) Dragon Lord (1-100) Dwarf (1-15) Dwarf Geomancer (1-20) Dwarf Guard (1-50) Dwarf Guard (1-15) Dwarf Soldier (1-15) Dworc Fleshhunter (1-13) Dworc Venomsniper (1-10) Dworc Voodoomaster (1-10) Efreet (1-60) Efreet (1-15) Elder Beholder (1-45) Elder Beholder (1-20) Elephant (1-21) Elf (1-15) Elf Arcanist (1-20) Elf Scout (1-10) Elf Scout (1-5) Fire Devil (1-20) Frost Troll (1-15) Gargoyle (1-20) Gargoyle (1-5) Gazer (1-17) Ghost (1-15) Ghoul (1-30) Giant Spider (1-50) Giant Spider (1-50) Goblin (1-10) Green Djinn (1-20) Green Djinn (1-20) Hero (1-100) Hunter (1-20) Hydra (1-250) Kongra (1-20) Larva (1-10) Lich (1-100) Lich (1-12) Lizard Sentinel (1-25) Lizard Snakecharmer (1-60) Lizard Templar (1-20) Marid (1-50) Marid (1-14) Merlkin (1-12) Minotaur (1-28) Minotaur (1-5) Minotaur Archer (1-28) Minotaur Guard (1-20) Minotaur Mage (1-20) Monk (1-20) Mummy (1-80) Necromancer (1-40) Orc (1-10) Orc Berserker (1-15) Orc Leader (1-30) Orc Leader Orc Rider (1-20) Orc Rider Orc Shaman (1-20) Orc Spearman (1-10) Orc Warlord (1-20) Orc Warrior (1-16) Poison Spider (1-10) Priestess (1-10) Rat (1-8) Rotworm (1-40) Scarab (1-50) Sibang (1-10) Sibang (1-15) Skeleton (1-10) Smuggler (1-35) Spider (1-5) Spit Nettle (1-5) Stalker (1-20) Stone Golem (1-20) Swamp Troll (1-12) Tarantula (1-20) Terror Bird (1-10) Troll (1-11) Valkyrie (1-20) Vampire (1-9) Vampire (1-4) Warlock (1-100) Warlock (1-50) Wild Warrior (1-30) Witch (1-20) Morgaroth (1-100) Morgaroth (1-25) Demodras (1-100) Demodras (1-100) Orshabaal (1-100) Orshabaal (1-100) Orshabaal (1-100) The Old Widow (1-50) The Old Widow (1-50) Murius (1-20) Grorlam (1-20) Osiris (1-100) Osiris (1-50) Dharalion (1-20) Hybrid (1-100) Hybrid (1-100) Archdemon Kalius (1-100) Archdemon Kalius (1-25) Archdemon Kalius (1-100) Surphyre (1-100) Surphyre (1-25) Uglo (1-70) Uglo (1-40) Athesh (1-100) Athesh (1-50) Morguthis (1-100) Morguthis (1-100) Morguthis (1-70) Morguthis (1-100) Morguthis Thalas (1-100) Thalas (1-100) Thalas (1-70) Thalas (1-100) Thalas Ashmunrah (1-100) Ashmunrah (1-100) Ashmunrah (1-70) Ashmunrah (1-100) Ashmunrah Mahrdis (1-100) Mahrdis (1-100) Mahrdis (1-70) Mahrdis (1-100) Mahrdis Vashresamun (1-100) Vashresamun (1-100) Vashresamun (1-70) Vashresamun (1-100) Vashresamun Beheloniano Brutal (1-70) Beheloniano Brutal (1-40) Necropharus (1-40) Adonis Yetiroth (1-100) Adonis Yetiroth (1-25) Adonis Yetiroth (1-100) Calypso Troll (1-100) Calypso Troll (1-50) War Troll (1-100) War Troll (1-50) King Yetiroth (1-100) King Yetiroth (1-100) King Yetiroth (1-100) Raptor Troll (1-100) Raptor Troll (1-50) Krampus (1-100) Krampus (1-100) Krampus (1-100) Succubus (1-100) Succubus (1-50) Ashtar (1-100) Ashtar (1-50) Oxidian (1-100) Oxidian (1-250) Scylla (1-100) Scylla (1-250) Winged Dragon Of Ra (1-100) Winged Dragon Of Ra (1-50) Ancalagon the Black (1-100) Ancalagon the Black (1-50) Rape Ape (1-100) Rape Ape (1-50) Jynkky Hanuri Joel (1-100) Jynkky Hanuri Joel (1-50) Kraktor (1-100) Kraktor (1-50) Pimp Daddy 3000 (1-100) Pimp Daddy 3000 (1-50) Gustaf The Fat Lady (1-100) Gustaf The Fat Lady (1-50) Mongol (1-100) Mongol (1-50) Scalpthor (1-100) Scalpthor (1-50) Vertex (1-100) Vertex (1-50) Plutonex (1-100) Plutonex (1-50) Bermudan Draconis (1-50) Delphian Draconis (1-50) Elemental Draconis (1-50) Blessed Wizard (1-100) Mutant Orc (1-50) Gremlin (1-80) Ent (1-50) Giant (1-50) Humongous Beetle (1-50) Walking Tree (1-50) Gryphon (1-50) Chinese Panda (1-100) Chinese Panda (1-25) Chinese Panda (1-100) Cyclip (1-70) Cyclip (1-40) Donkey Rider (1-100) Donkey Rider (1-25) Donkey Rider (1-100) King Robert Baratheon (1-100) King Robert Baratheon (1-100) Evil Limp (1-100) Evil Limp (1-25) Evil Limp (1-100) Lernaean Hydra (1-250) Hurricanius (1-100) Hurricanius (1-50) Red Ripper (1-50) Cyclip God (1-70) Cyclip God (1-40) Evil Reindeer (1-100) Evil Reindeer (1-50) Grinchy Dragon (1-100) Grinchy Dragon (1-50) Visualis Ghost (1-100) Visualis Ghost (1-50) Vega Draconis (1-50) The Blair Witch (1-100) The Blair Witch (1-50) Dracula (1-100) Dracula (1-50) King Aethelbald (1-100) King Aethelbald (1-100) Very Evil Limp (1-100) Very Evil Limp (1-25) Very Evil Limp (1-100) Donkey Rider Lord (1-100) Donkey Rider Lord (1-25) Donkey Rider Lord (1-100) Running Tree (1-50) Giganticus Beetle (1-50) Damned Wizard (1-100) Morgaroth X (1-100) Morgaroth X (1-25) Zombie (1-15) War Elephant (1-21) Hunter X (1-20)