Monsters Items
Name Description Weight Attack Defence Armor Dropped by
Cyclip's Ball Slicer
Cyclip's Ball Slicer
This mysterious tool was used to do the deed. Ohh Cyclip. All in one, one in all. Forever. (36/36 HPandMANA Regen per second) 420 0 0 0 Alpha Doradus Vermithrax Zeta Doradus Orbithrax Procyon Craaktron Yetiroth Achernar Orbithrax X Procyon X Achernar X Cygnus Orionis Lacertae Cobratron Intergalactic Hitchhiker Tectonic Mauler Cygnus Cosmarch Cobratron Xictrec Craaktron Cryoflux Lazermon Chameletroll Angel of Orion